Sunday, December 17, 2006

Fern in Red

I called this piece Fern in Red because that was the name of the lady I made it for. She was very conservative lady with a great sense of humor.
We actually decided to break those rules of how space was
meant to look and change the entire format and had a great time with it. Specially playing with variations in color and lines. All her furniture was yellow and with the introduction of red we had a blast.
This piece was highlighted in the Globe and Mail's quarterly review of style. That was quite an achievement

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A beautiful front entrance on Bay Street

This is our masterpiece.

We were given the opportunity to work with the existing design that was part of the architectural elements of this Historical Building downtown Toronto, Canada.

We made some samples and eventually developed a simpler center piece of the circle and then through templates we worked around creating a beautiful mandala that produces a fantastic focal point in the front entrance to the building. Here it is on the front cover of a know trade magazine.

It took skill and precision to arrive at this beautiful piece. We were all very happy to finish too.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Views of Male and Female

Very graphic and visually appealing, this piece gave away a iconic approach to Male and Female.
The mental connections and the physical dominance were reflected not only in color but in texture.

Most clients found it a challenge to seek for designs that could work for the floor, slowly the technique of wool tapestries found itself up onto the wall. This piece was a request Moshe asked me to come up with as it worked with the environment he was searching to place it in.

If we had gone down the conventional path we would not have gone very far. You have to be prepared to risk failure rather than not try.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Inspiration and Intuition

While most textile designers creating a collection are likely to choose a theme, visit the old exhibition and raid the library. Admitingly I think one allways resorts to those ways but one thing I used to like was to use music.
I found that listing to a tune produced an interesting state of mind that one could surrender too.
And that seemed to be the companion into ones own psyche.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Chris's Horn

What a funny name would think, but it was as if there was the calling of peace. As the sound ran fluidly through the air and out into the Universe as a it openly requesting forgiveness.

The pathway in stones.

The deadline was very close and how to bring the outdoors inside, as if the garden was just beside the door and this was just the continuation. This was a clever rendering that ended up being produced as an area rug.
I belive that it is still around somewhere and some kid is hopping on every stone as she gets to the othe side...of the garden.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Memories of Cayo Sombrero

These were great memories that through the waves and especially the colours of water and sand.
The sensory, domestic, but ultimately universal common experiences that everyone can relate to wins over the intellectual, exotic or the far flung.
I found this an excersise in color and space where we tried to find a equilibrium with contrasts of extension.

Red clouds

One of my favorite things was to go to the water and spend hours looking at the horizon and sending out my wishes to the Universe to listen to... This piece inspired me while Tasimi and I ran around looking at the clouds come and go as the sun set.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Enrichment through artistry. Inspired by living

Our purpose becomes illuminated, lighting up our dreams and illustrating the road ahead. Art, design, paint, fabric, Color, texture, movement, light, beauty, quality, vitality, freedom; this is not work, it is the way of life we choose to live.
This was a beautiful moment after realising that
I was going to become an artist. It was one of my first attempts I called "The monster" as it was my first attempt to link my work into yarns in Canada. The three dimensional effect through the use of wool. I believe it is the old flag of a country once lived in and identified with was now melted into the bones of my existence.
The size is 6 x 4 ft made in 100% wool.

Life and inspiration

Life should hold purpose and delight for everyone. Art and design have the capacity to deliver both, providing we understand how we are touched by each.
Its energy, source,beauty, and complexity is a mystery.

Thank you for the gift

Thank you for the gift